198 Pages
ISBN: 9789759051723

First Publishing Date
May 2009 Ankara

Original Language

Seçil Büker & Hasan Akbulut

Dipnot Publishing House / Cinema Series

Copyright Kaplan Film Production © 2009


“A journey home from the city to the province, following the mother’s death...A protagonist who does not feel at home neither in Istanbul nor in Tire...”

There is no solitude for Yusuf who is caught up in a vicious cycle of out-of-control thoughts and emotions in his provincial boredom. He feels helpless against the “burdens” he has got to bear. Perhaps he should address the problem first. Will he ever address the problem in his journey?

Why is the first thing that pops up in our minds when it is Yumurta, the journey of the protagonist and “the end” he reaches upon the journey? That’s why we decided to track the journey Yusuf took to his soul.

The reader can definitely set off on a soul searching journey himself. How so?

“If you are not awestruck looking up at the sky on a clear night, then you are not really looking and seeing that completeness there” says a Zen master. If those who look up at the sky with Yusuf have contemplated on setting on a journey, they will experience it again with this book. On top of that they can take their time over the pages recalling the images from the film.”

Seçil Büker & Hasan Akbulut


Encounters Yusuf's Dream Auteur Cinema Semih Kaplanoglu Yumurta: A Soul Searching Journey